How to Write SEO-Friendly Blog Posts

   Reading time 4 minutes

Picture this: you’ve spent hours crafting the perfect blog post. It’s informative, well-researched, and sure to impress your readers. But then, crickets. No one seems to be finding your post, let alone reading it. What went wrong? The answer is simple: you forgot about SEO.

Yes, SEO can sound intimidating and technical, but it doesn’t have to be! In fact, writing SEO-friendly blog posts can be a fun and creative challenge. Think of it as a puzzle, where you have to strategically place keywords, headings, and meta tags to help search engines understand and rank your content. And the best part? Once you crack the SEO code, your blog posts will start to appear higher in search results, leading to more traffic, more readers, and maybe even a few high-fives.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into the seven steps you can take to write SEO-friendly blog posts that will boost your traffic and readership, as well as gain new customers.

SEO Illustration about website SEO

Step 1: Research Target Keywords

Think of your target keywords as tools that can help search engines figure out what your post is about. You can conduct your own investigation or use keyword research apps to identify the target keywords for your content. Once you compile a list of relevant keywords, use them strategically throughout your blog post. 

But be warned: keyword stuffing (i.e., cramming as many keywords as possible into your content) is a big no-no and will do more harm than good. Instead, aim for a natural, conversational tone that incorporates your keywords in a way that makes sense.

Step 2: First Think, Then Write

After identifying target keywords, the next logical step for most is to start writing. But good writers know that before writing, one must first have a plan. Or, rather, a clear message they want to deliver to their audience through the text.

So, before pressing the keys on your keyboard, think about the purpose of your blog post by asking yourself several questions. Some include: 

  • What do you want to tell your target audience?
  • What is the main purpose of your text?
  • What feelings do you want to invoke in your readers?
  • What action do you want them to take?

Once you have the answers, also take into consideration the search intent of your target audience (or rather, the purpose of their online search). In other words, look at the search results for the keywords you want to rank with to check their popularity. That way, you will know for sure if your content will be relevant or not.

Step 3: Write High-Quality Content

Remember, your blog post isn’t just a vehicle for SEO strategies; it’s also an opportunity to showcase your expertise, engage your readers, and build trust with your audience. So, focus on creating high-quality content that informs, entertains, or solves pain points for your target audience. 

Make sure your writing is clear, concise, and easy to read. The general rule of thumb is to write as you speak. Furthermore, break up long paragraphs with headings and subheadings, use bullet points or numbered lists to organize your ideas, and add images or videos to illustrate your points.

Pro tip: To help readers navigate the text with ease and understand the relationship between sentences and paragraphs, include transition words. They will also give your blog post a far better structure.

Step 4: Utilize (Sub) Headings 

Not only do headings and subheadings make your blog post more comprehensible, but they also help search engines understand the structure of your content. Use H1 tags for your main headings and H2, H3, and H4 tags for subheadings. This will help search engines understand the hierarchy of your content and make it easier for them to crawl your website. And remember to make them clear and captivating in order to have a higher click-through rate (CTR), which, in turn, will improve your ranking. 

Step 5: Focus on Meta Tags

Meta tags are pieces of code that describe the content of your page to web crawlers. They include the title tag, meta description, and meta keywords. Your title tag should contain your keywords and be no longer than 70 characters. Similarly, the meta description should contain 150-160 characters and provide a brief recap of the post. Finally, make sure to include your target keywords in both your title tag and meta description.

Step 6: Optimize Images

Images are an essential part of any blog post, but they can also reduce the speed of your website if they are not optimized. So, make sure to compress the pictures before uploading them to your website. 

Also, use descriptive file names and alt tags for your images. This will help search engines understand what your images are about and make it easier for them to rank your website in search results. However, when describing the picture (alt text), avoid using phrases such as “picture of…”; instead, opt for including focus keywords. Lastly, the length should be under 125 characters.

Step 7: Use Internal and External Links

Internal linking refers to linking to other pages on your website, while external linking refers to linking to other websites. Both types of links are important for SEO and, thus, should find their way into your blog posts. 

Internal linking helps search engines understand the structure of your website and the hierarchy of your content, while external linking shows that your content is relevant and valuable to other websites. When using internal links, make sure to use descriptive anchor text that includes your target keywords. For external links, link to reputable websites that are relevant to your content.

Bonus Tip: Don’t Forget to Post on Social Media

Social media can be a powerful tool for driving traffic to your blog posts. So, make sure to share your blog posts on your social media channels and encourage your followers to share them as well. As a result, the visibility of your content will increase and drive more traffic to your website. A win-win situation!

SEO: Rank High on Google

In conclusion, writing SEO-friendly blog posts doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following these seven steps, you can optimize your posts for search engines while still providing high-quality content that engages and informs your audience. So, put on your writing hat (if you have one) and start crafting those engaging blog posts that will take your website to new heights!

The golden rule of writing: Make sure to write high-quality content for the people, not search engines!


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