Web Development: What You Need to Know

Reading Time: 5 minutes

In this day and age, having a strong digital presence is imperative for businesses and individuals alike. With so much of our lives taking place online, a well-designed and user-friendly website is often the first impression that people have of you or your brand. But what goes into building a successful website? 

Today, we’ll explore what you need to know to build a website that stands out from the crowd and achieves your goals. Whether you’re a business owner looking to create a website or an individual interested in pursuing a career in web development, read on to discover the basics.

What Is Web Development?

Web development is the process of creating websites and web applications. In fact, web developers use code to write the logic that powers their websites, which can be written in any language that supports it. This code is then compiled into a format that can be read by web browsers, which allows users to access it from anywhere on the internet.

Additionally, web developers have to make sure that their code works with other people’s websites so they can share content between each other’s platforms (for example, Facebook or Twitter).

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), and JavaScript are the three main building blocks of web development. In fact, HTML provides the structure of a webpage, CSS adds styling to it, and JavaScript makes it interactive. To become a web developer, one must have a solid understanding of at least these three technologies.

Web Browsers

A web browser is a program that interprets HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It displays websites on your screen and allows you to interact with them. Web browsers are available for all major platforms (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux) as well as mobile devices like smartphones or tablets.

Broadly speaking, web browsers interpret the code in a website’s HTML documents to display them on your screen in their intended appearance — this process is called rendering.

There are many different web browsers available today; some of the most popular ones include Chrome (Google), Edge (Microsoft), Firefox Quantum (Mozilla), and Safari (Apple).

Responsive Design

With the majority of web traffic coming from mobile devices, it’s critical to ensure that websites are responsive. Responsive design means that the website can adjust its layout to fit the size of the device that it’s being viewed on. As such, a responsive website is essential for providing a positive user experience and improving your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) ranking.

Front-End and Back-End Programming

In the world of web development, programmers need to know what’s going on in the world behind the scenes of their code. Therefore, back-end programming languages such as Node.js, PHP, Java, Python, and .Net are used. They allow developers to add user accounts, create databases, and store data on servers behind the scenes while users are presented with interactive screens, written in one of the JavaScript frameworks.

On the other hand, front-end frameworks are like an architect’s blueprint for building an application: they provide reusable components that can be assembled into working apps quickly without having to write all of their code from scratch every time. Some popular front-end frameworks include React, VueJS, and Angular.

Content Management Systems (CMS)

Content Management Systems (CMS) make it easier for website owners to manage their website’s content. These systems allow you to create, edit, and publish content without having to know how to code. It’s important to have a basic understanding of how CMS works when planning to build a website or manage one.

While CMS can function as a finished solution or an open source (like WordPress), it can be also built from scratch. Depending on the needs and budget of the client, the development team decides which approach fits in the best.

Additionally, there are other, newer, options, such as Webflow and Shopify. Many consider Webflow to be a great new alternative to WordPress, especially for people who are not experienced as web developers. 

Similarly, Shopify is a popular e-commerce website builder, where compared to WordPress, people don’t need to have an understanding of code and all the necessary e-commerce features are built-in. As such, it is easier to use.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

In simple terms, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of improving your website’s ranking on search engines like Google and Bing. This is achieved by optimizing your website’s content, structure, and keywords to make it more visible to search engine crawlers.

Some of the steps include:

  • Keyword research (finding out what people are searching for)
  • Content creation (creating a page that contains relevant, useful information)
  • Content promotion (getting people to see your content)

Fundamentally, SEO is necessary to drive traffic to your website, improve your website’s credibility, and increase your conversion rate.


Web security is crucial to protect your website and your users’ information. One must ensure that the website has an SSL certificate, which encrypts data transmitted between the site and its visitors. In addition, developers should use strong passwords, keep their software up to date, and implement security measures such as firewalls and antivirus software.

Web Development: A Summary

In conclusion, web development is a complex and dynamic field that involves many different disciplines, but it’s also the foundation of everything we do online. Whether you’re planning to build a website or pursue a career in web development, having a grasp of these concepts is essential to creating a robust online presence. With the right knowledge and tools, you can build a website that stands out, attracts visitors, and achieves your goals.


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